Bolehkah Memasang Iklan Adsense Dibawah Menu Blog ?

Assalamualaikum wr. wb. dan selamat sore para pengunjung setia blog catatankaki dimanapun teman-teman dapat mengakses internet dan membuka blog kami. Pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan berbagi kepada teman-teman sekalian sebuah jawaban mengenai satu pertanyaan yang selalu menghantui pikiran saya beberapa hari ini, pertanyaan tersebut adalah Bolehkah Memasang Iklan Adsense Dibawah Menu Blog ?.

Menu blog tarik-turun [Image by], 
Diblog memang terdapat beberapa tempat-tempat strategis yang jika tempat tersebut ditempatkan iklan maka akan mendatangkan jumlah klikan yang banyak, akan tetapi tidak semua tempat-tempat tersebut dapat dipasangi iklan dari Google Adsense karena jika dipasang akan melanggar kebijakan penempatan iklan Google Adsense.

Tapi ada satu tempat yang menurut saya strategis dan sekaligus saya ragu untuk memasang iklan saya pada tempat tersebut, yaitu di bawah menu blog. Mungkin ada sebagian bahkan semua teman-teman akan mengatakan boleh memasang iklan Google Adsense dibawah menu blog karena tidak melanggar kebijakan penempatan iklan dari Google Adsense.

Akan tetapi, ada satu jenis menu blog yang tidak boleh dipasang iklan adsense dibawahnya, yaitu menu blog yang tarik-turun. Bentuk menu blog semacam ini sangat tidak disukai oleh Google Adsense, sebab jika dipasang iklan dibawahnya akan mengundang klik yang tidak sengaja, dan jika Adsense mendapati klikan-klikan yang tidak sengaja maka akun adsense kita akan dibanned.

Menurut Kebijakan Penempatan Iklan Google Adsense dapat dilihat bahwa penempatan iklan dibawah menu yang tarik-turun tidak diperbolehkan sebab akan mengundang klik tidak sengaja yang berakibat akun adsense kita akan terancam dibanned. Teman-teman bisa membaca langsung dari sumbernya, disitu juga dilengkapi dengan gambar menu tarik-turun yang dilarang oleh Google Adsense.

Adapun kesimpulan dari pembahasan kita kali ini yaitu, menempatkan iklan adsense dibawah menu blog diperbolehkan oleh Google Adsense dan saya sendiri menerapkannya, asalkan menu yang terdapat di blog kita tidak drop down atau naik-turun atau dalam bahasa adsense tarik-turun.

Sekian dulu artikel saya kali ini, semoga artikel ini dapat bermanfaat untuk teman-teman sekalian yang sedang galau apakah ingin memasang iklan adsense di bawah menu blog atau tidak. Nantikan terus artike-artikel menarik dari kami selanjutnya. Wassalam.

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How to Make Twitter with Ease

Maybe some of us are not familiar with social media sites this one,, yes Twitter is one of the social media sites are very popular in Indonesia other than facebook. Twitter serves to share status, photos and videos to the people who follow our account or often referred to as followers. In contrast to facebook, when we follow the person, then that person does not automatically memfollow us, unlike facebook using the buddy system, when we make friends with the A, then the A's for sure make friends with us. Okay, here are a few quick and easy steps to create a twitter account

1. First, go to

2. Next will appear like in the picture. Fill in your name, email and password. If you do not have email, can create an email in advance in, and many others.

3. After you click "Sign up for twitter", another page will appear as shown below, if all already have a green check mark, then you can proceed to the next process.

makes twitter process 2
4. After that you will go to the verification page, enter the Indonesian state, then enter your mobile phone number (without the first 0), then wait for a text from the twitter. If the SMS has been received, immediately enter the verification code into the column that has been provided,

5. Perhaps you will come back to the page with a green check mark as above, fill in your password and click on "Create my account"

6. Congratulations, you've finished twitter account. Now please open your email (if using gmail please go to Then open the email from twitter, click on the validation link to activate your account.

How ?, very easy is not it ?. Next, I will try to discuss more about twitter, ranging from terms that exist on twitter, how to send the message, how memfolow others and so on. If this article useful, do not forget to click the like button below yes.

Basic Seo Tips On Page

What Is SEO On Page? On Page SEO is a technique to optimize a blog or website dilakakuan such a way that for the better in the search engines or searc engines.

On Page SEO -Tekhnik include optimizing the activities of text, images, tags, structure, URL, internal links, headers etc.

Basic -Tips On Page SEO is actually a great deal to optimize SEO On Page on our blog but this time Seo Supeerr only give a few tips essentially wrote for example:

  • HTMLAtribut HTML attribute mainly deals with the structure of the HTML heading tags. Structure heading H-1, H-2 or H-3 as a marker of the level of interest in the content titles will provide its own value in SEO On Page Optimization.
  • Image is not the picture itself that must be considered, but its attributes because google can not read images. On Page SEO optimization, image attributes will provide its own value, especially for images of search results through search engines. The length attribute of the image should be no more than 40 characters in the and try to contain the keywords that you aim, either the name of the file or its alt tag.
  • Templates and layouts BlogTempalate has important value in SEO optimization. although most of the current template has to be SEO friendly. However it should be noted that the structure of the content code should always be at the top than the other parts. so the parts that contain important information about your blog should be placed at the very top.
  • DomainNama domain name is the address for example the URL of your blog to my blog domain This domain name has a role in SEO Optimization, Although the current domain name is no longer considered as a major element of SEO. That is, there should be no link between the domain name with the content and keywords that you shoot. However it is important to use a domain that is associated with your blog content and keywords that you aim primarily to attract the attention of visitors. if you are learning and searching in google seo then enter the keywords "learn seo for beginners" and then you find the domain of which and, of course you will be interested in opening a learning blog-seo-for-beginners than thereupon if the content is the same, so now you're stranded here.
Note: For a blog domain domain name has an important role optiimasi Seo, blog domain that contains keywords preferred by google than the obscene. So for the blog in addition to attract visitors, the domain name will also draw attention disconnected om Google.

How to make your blog content favored by google? This is the second base in Seo Optimization On Page. You must pay attention to the following :

  • Position keywords (keywords) Position keywords should be scattered in all parts of the article. it is important that Google considers that this article really is discussing the targeted keywords. Good keywords in the title of the article should exist, then the first sentence in the first paragraph, and in the last paragraph. and will be more stable if every paragraph contains the targeted keywords, just do not be too brutal because it could be considered spam and become uncomfortable to read.
  • Variations of keywords (keywords) In addition to the number, the deciding factor in maximizing SEO On Page others are variations of the keyword. When writing the article, should be targeted keywords are not exactly the same and simply repeated. It would be better if you write variations or synonyms targeted keywords. This is in addition to prevent spam presumption content by Google, will also enrich the vocabulary of your targeted keywords. As in this post I memnariasikan keyword "Seo Optimization On Page", "Optimizing Seo On page", "Maximize SEO On Page" in addition to "On Page Seo its" itself.
  • The number of keywords (keywords density) Seo Optimization on page through keyword optimization means you also have to adjust the keyword density (keyword density), number or keyword density depends on the length of the short an article. An article should contain keywords of at least 3% of all existing words. but also not too much because it tends to be regarded as spam content by google. Many tools that can be used to measure the keyword density of which Seoquake which is an addon firefox or wordcounter to calculate how much a repeated keywords field in your article.
  • Keyword (keyword) keyword is a word that became a topic or main idea in an article in the blog. that when the inputted keywords in google, one of the search results is your blog. For SEO On Page Optimization, keywod presence in the content has a very important value. even the main focus of Seo Optimization On page itself is actually a keyword optimization. Because through this keyword google will provide value to an article or blog in the search results list. The more precise the number and choice of keywords used, the greater the chances of getting a high ranking.

Basic Tips Onpage SEO, search engines often pay more attention to the beginning and end of the article content. It is important to increase your onpage SEO.

Basic Tips SEO Onpage may be useful.

Differences SEO On Page and Off Page SEO

Understanding SEO On Page and Off Page SEO:
     On Page SEO is a technique to optimize a blog or website dilakakuan such a way that for the better in the search engines or search engine.

     Off Page SEO is the opposite of On Page SEO optimization, ie optimization is done from outside your web site. All you have to do is focus on building backlinks. Reproduce inbound links (links from other websites that point to your website).

Better where SEO On Page or Off Page SEO? Of both SEO Supeerr can conclude that in terms of the good they both have advantages and kesusahanya each respectively.

How to optimize SEO On Page and Off Page SEO:

     If SEO On Page admin've never made a tutorial postinganya ya so it can immediately be seen here
     If SEO Off Page admin under ya see no good either yah ..
          Promoting a blog with a blog that is consistent with the content we have.
          Add your blog to the search engines like google, bing, yahoo and others
         Always use the services of a ping to clicking crawl websites that we manage.
         Blog entries to the Web Directory.
         Promote your blog to dofollow forums.
         Make anchor text seo.
         Reproduce inbound links.
         Blogwalking fellow bloggers.

Maybe Just A few of Difference SEO On Page and Off Page SEO Thanks.

Relieve Loading Blog For Seo Friendly

Extent of their influence in order to ease loading seo friendly blog on our blog? google is very important because it makes the algorithm fast site appearance will receive special attention, although more value it is not too big, but still accounted for. Some say, a fast loading site that would have added value in the eyes of google 1% compared with the slow blog. So, if a blog has the same value in the presence of google, then the blog with the fastest loading speed that can exist in a higher rank.

Relieve Loading Blog For Seo Friendly

1. Use of Image and Media (Video)
Before you post a blog article that uses a lot of pictures in it I suggest to compress. Beside that also if there is a video blog post I suggest to you to take it into account. If the video is not so important and there are still more effective alternative to use these alternatives.

2. Usage Widget in Blog Templates
The use of too much on the blog widget will cause loading the blog to be slow because of the links and scripts contained in the widget will also be loaded. The more widgets installed on the blog then loading the blog was getting worse. My advice-use widget that pengting important only for your blog such as widgets histats, fanspage facebook and others. To widgets such as clock, calendar, music I suggest not installed because I think it is not so important, and a greater negative impact than positive impact.

3. Excessive use of JavaScript code
Wearing the javascript code in the blog template can not be avoided, but we can meminimalisr use javascript as needed. When you are too much to add this code into your blog template, then that will happen is when the load when a visitor opens the page in a website or blog you will wait a long time. This can adversely impact the development of your blog. We'll see tenama websites such as facebook or google, not the website has a fast loading?

4. External Links
External links are links contained in the blog that leads to your website or blog. All links will terload / read when a visitor opens up a website or blog may appear as beings who actually appears in the display monitor. For that I suggest you do too much to put a link from outside the blog, besides slow loading blog also affect your own SEO blog. If you use the link from the outside, try in a single container, such as a link to the google code or link picture / image of bloggers who are still in the hosting.

it may only be seosupeerr who love to Relieve tutorial Loading Blog For Seo Friendly and feel of your blog quickly now.

How to Submit Sitemap to Google Webmaster

What is a sitemap? In simple terms, a blog Sitemap site map page of your blog. Create and submit a Sitemap helps that Google knows about all the pages on a blog, including URLs that can not be covered by Googlebot in the normal process. Submit a sitemap in Google's blog serves to provide all the detailed information about how often you update the blog page, the date of the last modification of the blog and the most important is the Google search engine will be an update to your blog every renewal occurs.

How to Submit Sitemap to Google Webmaster

1. Log in to the account used to Gmail Email Sobat.Lanjutkan
2. Log in to Google Webmaster Tools
3. Click Submit Blog Sitemap to be in.
4. Next you will see a page like below.


Next select Optimization and click Add further Sitemap Sitemap sitemap Continue to Put url below one by one in the box to the right of your blog name in the picture above.
     1. atom.xml?
     2. atom.xml? Redirect = false
     3. feeds / posts / default? Orderby = updated
     4. atom.xml? Redirect = false & start-index = 1 & max-results = 500

Maybe Quite simply tutorial How to Submit Sitemap to Google Webmaster of seosupeerr may be useful and seo menmbah her.

How to Install a robots.txt order to increase SEO

How to Install a robots.txt order to increase SEO - what is it robots.txt? important part in greeting a web structure. nah I will discuss about Robots.txt, Robots.txt is a file that is used to restrict the access of search engine robots that are exploring the website. Before they access the web pages, they check to see if a robots.txt file exists / is not, and in the robots.txt no command that prevents them from accessing certain pages

How to Install a robots.txt order to add SEO

     Sign Dashboard (dashboard)
     Select Settings (settings)
     Select Reference Search (site preferences)
     Edit robots.txt special (custom robots.txt) which is at the bottom
     Fill with:

         User-agent: Mediapartners-Google

         User-agent: *
         Disallow: / search
         Allow: /


     Change seosupeerr with your blog name.
     Save Up

it may only be How to Install robots.txt that add SEO thank you


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