Looking / Popular Keyword Research With Google Trends

Google as the king of search engines provide tools that can be used to optimize a blog, how to search for keywords / reset popular keyword tool with the help of google trends. Google Trends at a Glance understanding is one of the service product released by Google Inc. which has the main function to indicate the popularity of keyword search on Google Search Engine of Google users around the world.

So if my friend when doing a search through Google by entering the keyword / keywords specified, then the keyword is automatically saved in the Google database. Based on that database, Google Inc. and then launched Google Trends which displays search keywords that are often searched even predict whether these keywords will continue to exist, up or even down within a certain time in the future. This is certainly very helpful bloggers blogging teruatama whose activities are open just a hobby, but has become a livelihood, by specifying keywords in the viewfinder with the hope of gaining a lot of traffic from search enggine.

But we as bloggers (user) can find out about a lot of things about a lot of popular keywords that are being searched, knowing the popularity / how big trend keywords that we shoot we can motivate by geographic region (city / state), language, within a certain time , or by category or use the search tool.

With Google Trends allows buddies to be able to compare search volume between two or more keywords or object. The comparison is shown in a graph that is very easy to understand.

Then how its use? to use google trends you can simply access it through http://www.google.com/trends

Then type in the desired keyword, for example here I want to see the popularity of the keyword "education" and click the Search button / browse, then the result is more or less like this


There, we can see from the chart below the keyword "education" from year to year has increase in traffic, which is quite nice if my friend wants to shoot keyword education, other than that my friend could also see the keyword popularity based restrictions (location, time and category) .

It also can see popular keywords within a certain time, for example, my friend wanted to see the keywords in the search in Indonesia within the last 30 days, then the result is more or less like this

From the picture above, my friend can take advantage of some of the above keywords are on the rise, so most likely post the article reads a lot of people, with the provision of the website / blog already well indexed in search engines.

Seize Back Gmail account hacked

Crime is not just found in the real world only, but in the virtual world is very vulnerable to crime. Problem stole steal data done by the hackers has become a 'staple food' in the digital world. With a variety of efforts, they tried to break into social media accounts that were scattered in cyberspace. With capitalize the information they get from the the data was account, they will use for their personal interests.

One of the most common is hijacking email accounts. Often, people take advantage of email for important things though. Not infrequently, many who make buying and selling is also done via email. So what would happen if one day we were not able to open our personal email password? And must accept the fact that our email account hacked by someone.

Seize Back Gmail account hacked

If it happens on an email account in Gmail, you do not need to worry. Moreover, if indeed you are the original owner of the account. Because if your Gmail account hacked by someone, then google will help us reclaim the account of the hands of the hijackers. And whenever there is a change in the data smallest of our account, for example the password was changed, then the google will immediately send an email message to the email address of our account recovery or via phone. (see figure below)

Seize Back Gmail account hacked

If at the time you receive an email notification of the presence of someone who changed the password as shown above, while you do not do it, it means your account has been hijacked. You do not need to panic. Just follow these steps to reclaim your account back the following, as I did to win my account recently hacked:

1. Open your Gmail page> www.gmail.com
2. Have you login with a password that you remember the last, if it turns out your account hijacked, then the message will appear in red, such as: "Your password has been changed 18 days ago"
Seize Back Gmail account hacked
    3. Do not panic, just click the link "Do not change the password?" That is below
      4. You will be brought to the help pages for password / password, if it turns out the phone for verification has also been changed by the pirates, then you have to pass through this page, click the "I can not access the phone"
        5. After passing through phone verification means you can not do, then the next page you can use a verification e-mail recovery. However, it has also been in recovery email fox by the hijackers, meaning you have to pass through this page, I click the link small print "Verify your identity" is below.
        Seize Back Gmail account hacked

        6. After you click the link "Verify your identity" then you will be taken to a page of personal questions, where this question should only you can answer that. There is a 2 columns to be filled. The first column please fill in your email address that you use as a recovery email when you create an account first. Dikolom second, re-type your email address. When finished, click "Continue"
        Seize Back Gmail account hacked

        7. If the email address you entered is correct / suitable, then there is the chart "Progress" which indicates lines of your account recovery progress. On this page you are asked to recall the last time you can log into your account. Write the month, day, and year. After that, you are also asked to write down when you create your account. (this is where most of them are forgotten, for it must be stressed if you create a Google Account, recall a month and year) Then click "Continue"
        Seize Back Gmail account hacked

        8. If true, it would appear the words "Success!" And click the "Reset Password"
          9. Insert your new password
            10. Finish, congratulations, your account you can already recover the ... from google that last message, you can know the email address of the hijackers. Immediately update your data

            Tips for your account safe from hackers:

            • Create a strong password but can you remember
            • Enable various ways for recovery, either by email or phone or also some questions help
            • Frequently change your password least once a month
            • Recall the month and year of manufacture of your account
            • If you are logged in the cafe, do not forget to empty the small box that reads "Keep Login" at the bottom of the column login

            Well, that's some way to Seize Back Kena Hack Gmail Account and tips on safe from hackers who could do.

            Hope it is useful ...

            Tips For Fast Loading Web Pages

            If your post office for an affair, how long you are willing to wait until it's your turn? If you order food in restaurants, how long you'll wait for the food to your message reaches your table? .. Everyone is going to have different answers, some are willing to wait until 1 o'clock, there were 30 minutes, 15 minutes, 5 minutes, and some are not willing to wait even one minute, it all depends on a person's level of patience and the situation at the time. How could tell time tu middle abdominal pain, which can wait a long time. Right? He! He! ..

            Notwithstanding, you know? How long a visitor is willing to wait for the opening of a website? Let me give you the answer, according to a study conducted, on average, a visitor, willing to wait for a site that dilayari nya to be opened only for 15 seconds while before they close the web browser or click for went into other web pages.

            So, what about your website? How long does it take for someone to open your website? Of course you do not want to lose visitors due solely to your web pages take too long to open. Hence, at this time, I will give you some tips on how you can make your web pages open faster.

            Ops, before that, to determine and measure the time it takes for someone to open your website. You can use a tool called "HTML Toolbox" provided by netmechanic.com. Url season is http://netmechanic.com/toolbox/html-code.htm

            Okay, here are some tips on how to make your website more easily opened by visitors.

            Tip 1: Optimize the picture.
            Often we hear people say, "If you want your web pages open faster, use less pictures !." This fact is actually less precise, more accurate statement is the "optimum" instead of "REDUCE"

            Reduce the size of your image. Many people who intentionally "pretend" weird, their website says they only use one image only, but why their website is still slow to open? When seen, it is true they use only one picture, but the picture is so great that they fill the entire website. And usually, the big picture is a picture that is used as the background of their website.

            Avoid animated images. Animated images like frogs jumping, Butterfly fly to the left and to the right preferably be avoided, because the image is simply making your website more difficult to open and annoying. You may use the image may consider if your website is dedicated to teaching the techniques of jumping frog to students in kindergarten.

            Use the appropriate image format. Generally, the most popular image formats used in a website are jpeg and gif format. But, many are confused, where a smaller format between these two formats. Sometimes seen gif format is smaller than jpeg, but sometimes is not. Actually, gif format, is more suitable for pictures that are as small as a button or icon image. While the jpeg format is more suitable for pictures of "real photo" such as pictures of landscapes, pictures of people show great signs or pictures busty aunt's cousin's neighbor you are being sold in the market cake recipe. Hu! hu!

            Use the same image file. Repeated, "FAIL PICTURES" is the same, instead of "PICTURES" is the same. You may be able to use the same image file repeatedly, images such as buttons and icons di website you may be able to use the same image file. This is because the computer visitors only need to download an image file only to see some of the same images on your website if you use the same image file. But otherwise, your website will be slow because the computer visitors have downloaded a file of all the images used in your website even though some of the images used di website you is the same image.

            Tip 2: Keep track
            Something you should know it, "iPod" or "bad" is subjective. Therefore, the song that you feel "iPod" in your ears, yet surely "iPod" in the ears of others. Therefore, avoid the use of background music on your website, than it can be difficult to open your web page, it can also cause your website shut down immediately by the visitors because the men were surprised with the song "angry" kan available on your website. Opss !! The song is "ssseeeedaapp".

            Tip 3: Avoid using frames "frame"
            The use of frames can also cause a slow website to open. This is because, when you use frames, visitors not only open a page when browsing your website, but three or more pages within the same time. This is because, right next frame will use one page, the left hand frame of another page and another page for the entire frame. Therefore, avoid the use of frames whenever possible.

            Tip 4: CSS
            Another way you can make your website opens quickly is to use CSS (Cascading Style Sheet). CSS ini is a web programming language category "client side scripting". Oh! I see you've already started berkerut dahi. Tak perla .. I do not intend to elaborate on this CSS, if you want a story, I need one another topic yangkhas about it, maybe another time. Actually, I just wanted to inform you, that no one teknik berkesan which can accelerate the process of opening your web site called CSS. Maybe you can find more lanjut mengenainya on the internet.

            How to Increase CTR / CTR Google Adsense

            For friends who know and have become a Google Adsense publisher must know what the CTR / CTR, clickthrough rate (CTR) is the number of ad clicks divided by the number of impressions, page views, or queries that you receive. The higher the CTR / CTR then the better, but the amount of click of the ad and the number of display ad impressions to be balanced, according to the master adsense CTR / CTR good it is below 10% if over 10% said adsense account we were not safe.
            As we know that the CTR / CTR is strongly influenced by the amount of click of ads on our blog, calculation, namely For example, if you receive a 7 clicks of 1,000 page views, page CTR you will be 0.7%. To increase the CTR / CTR there are several ways that you can friends do, is as follows:
            1. Looking for Ad Placement Pas
            To get the CTR / CTR either need to get the number of click is that much anyway, and therefore a good ad placement on blogs can affect the amount of click of the adsense ads. The best ad placement according to the master adsense is above article, under the article, the middle of the article, header and sidebar.
            2. Increase the Number of Visitors Blog
            The most important in improving CTR / Google adsense CTR is the number of visitors to the blog, because of the absence of blog visitors who come to our blog so others will not be clicking on our ads, and if no one clicks the ad adsense CTR / CTR us will never increase.
            Anyway it is berbahayan for our adsense account when we look a little advertising but click of the ads we very much, it will make us suspect the google adsense adsense clicks on the ad itself and makes us threatened adsense account banned.
            3. Using Templates High CTR
            The last way is to use the template that high ctr, this way I actually have not been proved. I never used a template that said High CTR but nothing changes, the template is still inferior to the regular template responsive. But friends can try to use the template High CTR, who knows CTR / CTR Adsense friends can be increased.
            That is some - How to increase the CTR / CTR Google Adsense - hopefully this article can be useful to the visitors all and I apologize because last month I did not update this blog article because I was busy taking care of my blogs others.
            If there is no response from my friends, do not forget to leave a comment in the comments box provided below this article.

            3 Business Advice from the CEO of Google

            Anyone who has ever tried internet minimal definitely been taking a service called Google. One search engine has become a very effective tool to help resolve various problems. Well this time I will share a few articles on the advice given Google's CEO for businessmen as quoted by Kompas.com

            Google is one example of a successful company thanks to the constant innovation. Starting from a search engine, a company founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin it has now created a variety of applications and services as well as dominate the Internet.
            There are several unique custom developed by Google to foster a culture of innovation and creativity in the company. One is the weekly meetings. Each Google employees from around the world are free to question the Google executives, either directly or throughemail.
            The employee can also provide criticism or express their ideas to the leaders of the company.
            In an interview conducted byWired.com,Google CEO Larry Page, the company delivered some success tips in business. Here is some advice that is very interesting.

            1. Do the things that are "crazy"

            Many large companies become complacent and forget to innovate. This was avoided by Google to foster a culture of innovation in the company. Every employee in the company is required to "Think Big", think and do things that are unusual.
            Since childhood, Page dreamed of becoming an inventor. He not only wanted to create a great product, but also want to change the world. The dream is still alive today and he embodied together Google.
            For Page, the satisfaction is when he and his team can develop innovative 10 times they had developed previously. So, no wonder if the innovation at the core of Google's business. Look at Gmail,servicethe emailthat offers a storage capacity of 100 times greater than the capacity provided byservices.emailother
            Google also has created a wide range of language translation services and delivery of Google Maps and Google Drive, data storage services based ontechnology.cloud computingIn addition, there are YouTube, Android, and Chrome are interesting and have used a lot of people.
            Google even rumored to build a project and a special lab named Google X. Various facilities in the Google X lab created to support the Google research to create a variety of future technologies, like a car that can run itself and glasses-based Augmented Reality technology.
            "If you do not do crazy things, you do things that are wrong," said Page. As CEO, he always encourages his team to innovate.

            2. Innovation must be followed by thecommercialization of

            successfulinnovations should be followed by commercialization. Page exemplifies Xerox PARC, a subsidiary of Xerox Corp., which was established in 1970. Xerox PARC famous with various innovations in technology andhardware.Some innovation plays an important role in the world of modern computing, including, Ethernet, the graphical user interface (GUI), and laser printing technology.
            "However, they do not focus on commercialization," said Larry. That's what makes Xerox PARC failed.
            Larry give another example, the Tesla. Tesla is one of the companies that he admired, which develops innovative car. However, the company founded by Nikola Tesla was spending 99 percent of its power to develop products to be favored by many people. That is why Tesla eventually fall.
            Xerox PARC and Tesla failed because only focus on innovation. Every company requires two things to be successful, the innovation and commercialization.

            3. Do not focus oncompetition

            Google'sis different from other technology companies. Google's focus on developing products and services, instead focus on the competition.
            "What is interesting from working if the best thing we can do is beat the other companies doing the same thing with us? That makes a lot of companies fall slowly. They tend to do the same thing with what they have done and make some small changes, "says Page.
            According to Page, it is natural that many people want to do things that they believe are not going to fail. However, to be successful, technology companies need to make a big change.
            When released Gmail, for example, Google still be just a search engine company. Creatingserviceemaila web-basedis a big leap for Google, Gmail especially brave providestorage capacityemailis very large when compared to similar service providers at the time.
            At the time of developing Gmail, there are already several other companies that have a search engine. Gmail will not exist if Google only focus to compete with these companies. Google has chosen to focus on developing products and services.

            13 Important Tips Before You Trying to Get Money From The Internet

            Are you looking for tips or how to earn money from the internet? We recommend that you read this first before you DISAPPOINTED WEIGHT because this might not be what you think it is. Relax my friend here will not offer "something" that must be purchased by you. In accordance with the motto of this blog is"SharingSimple And UsefulInformation",so you can simply read it to the end, draw your own conclusions and write your response in the comments field. :)

            Why in this article I took the theme of"howto make money from theinternet"?This is because I see atrendin Indonesia onhow to earn money frominternettheis increasing every year since the beginning of 2011.

            Just recently I found some interesting things about"howto make money online"that you should know and learn as it turns out there is a cycle that happens that continuously rotates endlessly. This is what causes many beginners or people who have long been in this world never get satisfactory results and eventually get discouraged and stop.

            For me internet business is a business that isrealand should not be underestimated. Many classic problem experienced by many people in getting money on the internet. Among them may be:

            1. New start, do not know where to start?

            2. Manyebook,video training, private coursesthat offerpassive incomefrom the internet with the price is not exactly cheap. Is this all true?

            3. Have long been in the Internet business world, life moves way weird but ultimately did not conform to what is expected. Why is this so?

            4. How can yak, internet businesses often provide ascreenshotof their income is fairly WAHHHH SO, which makes everyonedrool... !!! Whether it's real or fake?

            I will try to answer the questions above in accordance with what I have acquired along the way. But before that I want to share to you an article from Seth Godin's blog on"howto make moneyonline".I will try to rewrite some of the topics of the blog which I consider to be interesting.

            The first step isto stop for a search on Google on "how to make money from theinternet".This is not because you do not want to earn money from the internet, but by doing this then you will soon lose your money. When compared, you are looking to find ways how to earn money in Las Vegas.

            Do not ever pay someone for something simple tips that have been proven or how to achieve your goals, in this case to get money from the internet. In particular, pay to anyone who teaches how to write or sell an ebook about how to earn money from the internet.

            Being successful is not the instant way.

            Focus to create a trust. Confidence value is more important than money.

            Focus to provide avalue.

            Do not get out of your current job because they want to focus on online business even if you are sure to succeed. Do what you have to do in the online world at night, Saturday or Sunday.

            Build a good reputation in the online world, so many people you know that you deserve that reputation.

            Do not be discouraged if your desire (a topic you want to write) small visible in the online world. None of the topics that little if you really want it.

            Make moneyoffline.By directly face to face, you will be much easier to make money. Internet media only to streamline it. Proven (∩_∩)

            Become your own best to include when you write on the topic of your website.

            Learn from those who do not know the shortcut to earn money on the internet.

            Get money little by little from the Internet.

            The more you join the commu- community, the greater the chance that you will get.

            If for example you are still reading my writing, good because I started to answer the questions that I have written above.

            1. New start, do not know where to start?

            If I can say, you tuh like what topic? As you have read above, none useless topic. Real example is the blog itself. Until now, this blog was written, visitors to the blogjustmyhobby.wordpress.com about250people per day. Small indeed but you see the contents of this blog. His writing and weird topic but why still crowded visited.

            So no need to spend capital to make money from the internet. The initial step is to build your blog to be visited by ablogfreesuch as wordpress.com, blogger.com, postereus.com, tumblr.com, and much more.

            2. Manyebook,video training, private coursesthat offerpassive incomefrom the internet with the price is not exactly cheap. Is this all true?it

            Canreally can not .. !! tablets really rich gini answer? (¬_¬). If, based on some of the points above, do not ever pay for ebooks and other training videos,I do notagree.Honestly, a lot of ebooks, videos, and training to make money from the internet out there is a lie. Sometimes there is a topic that is in the ebook justcopy and paste(copy paste andrewrite)continue to cover for the product is made ​​new.

            But there's also a really provide useful knowledge that we do not need to spend time to look for it. Maybe like the content of this blog (∇)

            (._°☆ \(- -) Plakkkk .. !!!!

            3. Have long been in the Internet business world, life moves way weird but ultimately did not conform to what is expected. Why is this so?

            My principle is just one, when you start withis nottrue,it always results you get will not last long. Whether you believe it or not, please see for yourself.

            4. How can, internet businesses often provide ascreenshotof their income is fairly WAHHHH SO, which makes everyonedrool... !!! Whether it's real or fake?

            My answer is no original, there are also false. Sometimes when you watch the jelly, they provide tuh screenshots were made ​​before Christ.
            Ok so I am on the topic of getting money from the internet. Hopefully you are not tempted by the grandiose promises that exist insales letterthe internet marketerthat the topic ofhow to make money online.Next time maybe I will share technical way. Do not forget to leave your comments on this topic. I wait for your response. So pantengin continue this blog ... .. I'll see you in the next post (^ o ^) / bye .. !!!


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