5 Reasons Why People Read the Blog

1. People love to read blogs
It is a simple reason. Just because people like to read blogs course we already need to start blogging. The existence of the blog itself is able to shift the position of the mass media. Whenever we scour the internet, most of us will get detailed information on a particular blog.

2. Blogs Can Be Transmitted information widely.
If a certain information interesting to say, then the blog can be a means to disseminate the information easily. Rapidly over the Internet can be aware of the existence of certain information. Bloggers usually know a lot of other bloggers. The nature of word of mouth will accelerate certain information transmitted among bloggers.

3. Blog Media A More Humane.
A blog is a personality. Character / attitude of the blog owner will be very easy to know. If its fun, it would appear from his writings. Perspective and attitude toward something can be easily observed in a blog. Passions and hobbies are also usually opened bluntly in a blog. That's because people like to share various things on their blog. Blog truly become an online journal where people share stories and experiences with each other

4. Blog More Interactive
In a blog, visitors can immediately provide specific feedback this is known as 'leave a comment'. They can ask questions, provide feedback, or answer other people's comments. If the previous websites on the internet that you are cold and are not interactive. Thus eliminating blog and answer the problem.

5. Blog Faster Present.
Because whenever one hears certain information, he can immediately go to the blog and make a post about the news. Blogs actually contains fresh information and from the viewpoint of the author.

Tips For Fast Loading Web Pages

If your post office for an affair, how long you are willing to wait until it's your turn? If you order food in restaurants, how long you'll wait for the food to your message reaches your table? .. Everyone is going to have different answers, some are willing to wait until 1 o'clock, there were 30 minutes, 15 minutes, 5 minutes, and some are not willing to wait even one minute, it all depends on a person's level of patience and the situation at the time. How could tell time tu middle abdominal pain, which can wait a long time. Right? He! He! ..

Notwithstanding, you know? How long a visitor is willing to wait for the opening of a website? Let me give you the answer, according to a study conducted, on average, a visitor, willing to wait for a site that dilayari nya to be opened only for 15 seconds while before they close the web browser or click for went into other web pages.

So, what about your website? How long does it take for someone to open your website? Of course you do not want to lose visitors due solely to your web pages take too long to open. Hence, at this time, I will give you some tips on how you can make your web pages open faster.

Ops, before that, to determine and measure the time it takes for someone to open your website. You can use a tool called "HTML Toolbox" provided by netmechanic.com. Url season is http://netmechanic.com/toolbox/html-code.htm

Okay, here are some tips on how to make your website more easily opened by visitors.

Tip 1: Optimize the picture.
Often we hear people say, "If you want your web pages open faster, use less pictures !." This fact is actually less precise, more accurate statement is the "optimum" instead of "REDUCE"

Reduce the size of your image. Many people who intentionally "pretend" weird, their website says they only use one image only, but why their website is still slow to open? When seen, it is true they use only one picture, but the picture is so great that they fill the entire website. And usually, the big picture is a picture that is used as the background of their website.

Avoid animated images. Animated images like frogs jumping, Butterfly fly to the left and to the right preferably be avoided, because the image is simply making your website more difficult to open and annoying. You may use the image may consider if your website is dedicated to teaching the techniques of jumping frog to students in kindergarten.

Use the appropriate image format. Generally, the most popular image formats used in a website are jpeg and gif format. But, many are confused, where a smaller format between these two formats. Sometimes seen gif format is smaller than jpeg, but sometimes is not. Actually, gif format, is more suitable for pictures that are as small as a button or icon image. While the jpeg format is more suitable for pictures of "real photo" such as pictures of landscapes, pictures of people show great signs or pictures busty aunt's cousin's neighbor you are being sold in the market cake recipe. Hu! hu!

Use the same image file. Repeated, "FAIL PICTURES" is the same, instead of "PICTURES" is the same. You may be able to use the same image file repeatedly, images such as buttons and icons di website you may be able to use the same image file. This is because the computer visitors only need to download an image file only to see some of the same images on your website if you use the same image file. But otherwise, your website will be slow because the computer visitors have downloaded a file of all the images used in your website even though some of the images used di website you is the same image.

Tip 2: Keep track
Something you should know it, "iPod" or "bad" is subjective. Therefore, the song that you feel "iPod" in your ears, yet surely "iPod" in the ears of others. Therefore, avoid the use of background music on your website, than it can be difficult to open your web page, it can also cause your website shut down immediately by the visitors because the men were surprised with the song "angry" kan available on your website. Opss !! The song is "ssseeeedaapp".

Tip 3: Avoid using frames "frame"
The use of frames can also cause a slow website to open. This is because, when you use frames, visitors not only open a page when browsing your website, but three or more pages within the same time. This is because, right next frame will use one page, the left hand frame of another page and another page for the entire frame. Therefore, avoid the use of frames whenever possible.

Tip 4: CSS
Another way you can make your website opens quickly is to use CSS (Cascading Style Sheet). CSS ini is a web programming language category "client side scripting". Oh! I see you've already started berkerut dahi. Tak perla .. I do not intend to elaborate on this CSS, if you want a story, I need one another topic yangkhas about it, maybe another time. Actually, I just wanted to inform you, that no one teknik berkesan which can accelerate the process of opening your web site called CSS. Maybe you can find more lanjut mengenainya on the internet.

3 Business Advice from the CEO of Google

Anyone who has ever tried internet minimal definitely been taking a service called Google. One search engine has become a very effective tool to help resolve various problems. Well this time I will share a few articles on the advice given Google's CEO for businessmen as quoted by Kompas.com

Google is one example of a successful company thanks to the constant innovation. Starting from a search engine, a company founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin it has now created a variety of applications and services as well as dominate the Internet.
There are several unique custom developed by Google to foster a culture of innovation and creativity in the company. One is the weekly meetings. Each Google employees from around the world are free to question the Google executives, either directly or throughemail.
The employee can also provide criticism or express their ideas to the leaders of the company.
In an interview conducted byWired.com,Google CEO Larry Page, the company delivered some success tips in business. Here is some advice that is very interesting.

1. Do the things that are "crazy"

Many large companies become complacent and forget to innovate. This was avoided by Google to foster a culture of innovation in the company. Every employee in the company is required to "Think Big", think and do things that are unusual.
Since childhood, Page dreamed of becoming an inventor. He not only wanted to create a great product, but also want to change the world. The dream is still alive today and he embodied together Google.
For Page, the satisfaction is when he and his team can develop innovative 10 times they had developed previously. So, no wonder if the innovation at the core of Google's business. Look at Gmail,servicethe emailthat offers a storage capacity of 100 times greater than the capacity provided byservices.emailother
Google also has created a wide range of language translation services and delivery of Google Maps and Google Drive, data storage services based ontechnology.cloud computingIn addition, there are YouTube, Android, and Chrome are interesting and have used a lot of people.
Google even rumored to build a project and a special lab named Google X. Various facilities in the Google X lab created to support the Google research to create a variety of future technologies, like a car that can run itself and glasses-based Augmented Reality technology.
"If you do not do crazy things, you do things that are wrong," said Page. As CEO, he always encourages his team to innovate.

2. Innovation must be followed by thecommercialization of

successfulinnovations should be followed by commercialization. Page exemplifies Xerox PARC, a subsidiary of Xerox Corp., which was established in 1970. Xerox PARC famous with various innovations in technology andhardware.Some innovation plays an important role in the world of modern computing, including, Ethernet, the graphical user interface (GUI), and laser printing technology.
"However, they do not focus on commercialization," said Larry. That's what makes Xerox PARC failed.
Larry give another example, the Tesla. Tesla is one of the companies that he admired, which develops innovative car. However, the company founded by Nikola Tesla was spending 99 percent of its power to develop products to be favored by many people. That is why Tesla eventually fall.
Xerox PARC and Tesla failed because only focus on innovation. Every company requires two things to be successful, the innovation and commercialization.

3. Do not focus oncompetition

Google'sis different from other technology companies. Google's focus on developing products and services, instead focus on the competition.
"What is interesting from working if the best thing we can do is beat the other companies doing the same thing with us? That makes a lot of companies fall slowly. They tend to do the same thing with what they have done and make some small changes, "says Page.
According to Page, it is natural that many people want to do things that they believe are not going to fail. However, to be successful, technology companies need to make a big change.
When released Gmail, for example, Google still be just a search engine company. Creatingserviceemaila web-basedis a big leap for Google, Gmail especially brave providestorage capacityemailis very large when compared to similar service providers at the time.
At the time of developing Gmail, there are already several other companies that have a search engine. Gmail will not exist if Google only focus to compete with these companies. Google has chosen to focus on developing products and services.

Basic Seo Tips On Page

What Is SEO On Page? On Page SEO is a technique to optimize a blog or website dilakakuan such a way that for the better in the search engines or searc engines.

On Page SEO -Tekhnik include optimizing the activities of text, images, tags, structure, URL, internal links, headers etc.

Basic -Tips On Page SEO is actually a great deal to optimize SEO On Page on our blog but this time Seo Supeerr only give a few tips essentially wrote for example:

  • HTMLAtribut HTML attribute mainly deals with the structure of the HTML heading tags. Structure heading H-1, H-2 or H-3 as a marker of the level of interest in the content titles will provide its own value in SEO On Page Optimization.
  • Image is not the picture itself that must be considered, but its attributes because google can not read images. On Page SEO optimization, image attributes will provide its own value, especially for images of search results through search engines. The length attribute of the image should be no more than 40 characters in the and try to contain the keywords that you aim, either the name of the file or its alt tag.
  • Templates and layouts BlogTempalate has important value in SEO optimization. although most of the current template has to be SEO friendly. However it should be noted that the structure of the content code should always be at the top than the other parts. so the parts that contain important information about your blog should be placed at the very top.
  • DomainNama domain name is the address for example the URL of your blog to my blog domain http://seosupeerr.blogspot.com/ This domain name has a role in SEO Optimization, Although the current domain name is no longer considered as a major element of SEO. That is, there should be no link between the domain name with the content and keywords that you shoot. However it is important to use a domain that is associated with your blog content and keywords that you aim primarily to attract the attention of visitors. if you are learning and searching in google seo then enter the keywords "learn seo for beginners" and then you find the domain of which http://belajar-seo-untuk-pemula.blogspot.com and pisang-goreng.com, of course you will be interested in opening a learning blog-seo-for-beginners than pisang-goreng.com thereupon if the content is the same, so now you're stranded here.
Note: For a blog domain domain name has an important role optiimasi Seo, blog domain that contains keywords preferred by google than the obscene. So for the blog in addition to attract visitors, the domain name will also draw attention disconnected om Google.

How to make your blog content favored by google? This is the second base in Seo Optimization On Page. You must pay attention to the following :

  • Position keywords (keywords) Position keywords should be scattered in all parts of the article. it is important that Google considers that this article really is discussing the targeted keywords. Good keywords in the title of the article should exist, then the first sentence in the first paragraph, and in the last paragraph. and will be more stable if every paragraph contains the targeted keywords, just do not be too brutal because it could be considered spam and become uncomfortable to read.
  • Variations of keywords (keywords) In addition to the number, the deciding factor in maximizing SEO On Page others are variations of the keyword. When writing the article, should be targeted keywords are not exactly the same and simply repeated. It would be better if you write variations or synonyms targeted keywords. This is in addition to prevent spam presumption content by Google, will also enrich the vocabulary of your targeted keywords. As in this post I memnariasikan keyword "Seo Optimization On Page", "Optimizing Seo On page", "Maximize SEO On Page" in addition to "On Page Seo its" itself.
  • The number of keywords (keywords density) Seo Optimization on page through keyword optimization means you also have to adjust the keyword density (keyword density), number or keyword density depends on the length of the short an article. An article should contain keywords of at least 3% of all existing words. but also not too much because it tends to be regarded as spam content by google. Many tools that can be used to measure the keyword density of which Seoquake which is an addon firefox or wordcounter to calculate how much a repeated keywords field in your article.
  • Keyword (keyword) keyword is a word that became a topic or main idea in an article in the blog. that when the inputted keywords in google, one of the search results is your blog. For SEO On Page Optimization, keywod presence in the content has a very important value. even the main focus of Seo Optimization On page itself is actually a keyword optimization. Because through this keyword google will provide value to an article or blog in the search results list. The more precise the number and choice of keywords used, the greater the chances of getting a high ranking.

Basic Tips Onpage SEO, search engines often pay more attention to the beginning and end of the article content. It is important to increase your onpage SEO.

Basic Tips SEO Onpage may be useful.

Differences SEO On Page and Off Page SEO

Understanding SEO On Page and Off Page SEO:
     On Page SEO is a technique to optimize a blog or website dilakakuan such a way that for the better in the search engines or search engine.

     Off Page SEO is the opposite of On Page SEO optimization, ie optimization is done from outside your web site. All you have to do is focus on building backlinks. Reproduce inbound links (links from other websites that point to your website).

Better where SEO On Page or Off Page SEO? Of both SEO Supeerr can conclude that in terms of the good they both have advantages and kesusahanya each respectively.

How to optimize SEO On Page and Off Page SEO:

     If SEO On Page admin've never made a tutorial postinganya ya so it can immediately be seen here
     If SEO Off Page admin under ya see no good either yah ..
          Promoting a blog with a blog that is consistent with the content we have.
          Add your blog to the search engines like google, bing, yahoo and others
         Always use the services of a ping to clicking crawl websites that we manage.
         Blog entries to the Web Directory.
         Promote your blog to dofollow forums.
         Make anchor text seo.
         Reproduce inbound links.
         Blogwalking fellow bloggers.

Maybe Just A few of Difference SEO On Page and Off Page SEO Thanks.

Relieve Loading Blog For Seo Friendly

Extent of their influence in order to ease loading seo friendly blog on our blog? google is very important because it makes the algorithm fast site appearance will receive special attention, although more value it is not too big, but still accounted for. Some say, a fast loading site that would have added value in the eyes of google 1% compared with the slow blog. So, if a blog has the same value in the presence of google, then the blog with the fastest loading speed that can exist in a higher rank.

Relieve Loading Blog For Seo Friendly

1. Use of Image and Media (Video)
Before you post a blog article that uses a lot of pictures in it I suggest to compress. Beside that also if there is a video blog post I suggest to you to take it into account. If the video is not so important and there are still more effective alternative to use these alternatives.

2. Usage Widget in Blog Templates
The use of too much on the blog widget will cause loading the blog to be slow because of the links and scripts contained in the widget will also be loaded. The more widgets installed on the blog then loading the blog was getting worse. My advice-use widget that pengting important only for your blog such as widgets histats, fanspage facebook and others. To widgets such as clock, calendar, music I suggest not installed because I think it is not so important, and a greater negative impact than positive impact.

3. Excessive use of JavaScript code
Wearing the javascript code in the blog template can not be avoided, but we can meminimalisr use javascript as needed. When you are too much to add this code into your blog template, then that will happen is when the load when a visitor opens the page in a website or blog you will wait a long time. This can adversely impact the development of your blog. We'll see tenama websites such as facebook or google, not the website has a fast loading?

4. External Links
External links are links contained in the blog that leads to your website or blog. All links will terload / read when a visitor opens up a website or blog may appear as beings who actually appears in the display monitor. For that I suggest you do too much to put a link from outside the blog, besides slow loading blog also affect your own SEO blog. If you use the link from the outside, try in a single container, such as a link to the google code or link picture / image of bloggers who are still in the hosting.

it may only be seosupeerr who love to Relieve tutorial Loading Blog For Seo Friendly and feel of your blog quickly now.


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